The wind carried by far the heaviest radioactive deposits across this country, where even today 25 percent of the land is considered uninhabitable.
Even if they did, whole sections of New Orleans were still considered uninhabitable.
It was all low and considered uninhabitable.
Apartments in New York City formerly considered marginally uninhabitable snapped up at the price of half a million dollars.
About 70% of the nuclear fallout from the plant landed on Belarusian territory, and about 25% of the land is considered uninhabitable.
Today, it is considered uninhabitable.
Due to extremely cold winters and subsequent heavy snows, the area is considered largely uninhabitable during the winter.
Much of the land was mangrove and low-elevation and was considered uninhabitable.
These areas were generally considered uninhabitable.
Dolls Point was originally a deserted landscape, which was considered uninhabitable.