Smith held contemporary beliefs that Native Americans were for the most part intellectually inferior to whites and considered untrustworthy.
Of the Afghan troops that remained, many were considered untrustworthy to Soviet troops.
Other generals, who certainly were involved in the plotting, said that he was considered untrustworthy and played no role.
Civilian politicians began to be considered untrustworthy, and all branches of the government (except the executive branch) steadily diminished in importance.
"We're kind of considered untrustworthy in some respects," he said.
The main tribes featured in the series are the Kaleri and the Harai, the latter of which is considered untrustworthy.
Land ownership was restricted, banks were considered untrustworthy and there were few other real investment opportunities.
Even so, Moran's credibility has been questioned repeatedly, if not considered altogether untrustworthy.
Yua asked, feeling a little like she had been considered untrustworthy.
They were considered untrustworthy to defend Mother Russia.