The internal taxonomy of the family and the number of genera varies greatly between sources leading to considerable discrepancy across the literature.
There are considerable discrepancies from one district to another, not just in standards but also in prize money.
Among illegal ships, there was often a considerable discrepancy between public and private id.
Aside from cosmetics, however, there was a considerable discrepancy between prices in different shops, particularly liquor and watches.
As a result there was a considerable discrepancy between household and personal income.
In addition, there are considerable discrepancies in the names of tribes given by the sources.
We have noticed that there are rather considerable discrepancies between them.
In this respect, there is a considerable discrepancy which, in truth, the texts presented by the Commission do not mention.
There is, however, a considerable discrepancy between the number of patients waiting for a transplant and the number of patients who actually receive one.
It will certainly emerge that there are some considerable discrepancies. Once the facts are established, action can be taken.