Kelly's shapely legs emerged now and she donned her jeans with considerable elegance considering her hangover.
Scotty Bloch plays the part of Mother with considerable elegance and charm.
Even in March they retained a considerable elegance, their designers laying out tree and shrub varieties in order that swathes of color straddled the land whatever the time of year.
His researches on elliptic functions are of considerable elegance, but their great merit lies in the stimulating effect which they had on later mathematicians.
The Orient Express had then been in operation for some eight years, and was at the peak of its considerable elegance, if not yet of its fame.
Though he made his reputation by creating the persona of a semiliterate sideshowman he called Artemus Ward, Browne actually was a young man of considerable elegance, intelligence and sophistication.
Thus, the hypothesis that unopposed estrogen is directly implicated in breast cancer has considerable elegance; add the fact that fat cells can make estrogen, and it even subsumes obesity.
At one time, it must have been a house of considerable elegance.
They appear to be works of considerable mathematical elegance, but not indicating any great power of original thought.
He also said that the chancel arch was "of considerable elegance, unusual in North Wales, having excellent moulding and clustered shafts which have a Middle Pointed character."