There is an element of truth in both assessments, but considerable exaggeration as well.
Which was a considerable exaggeration; but pardonable under the circumstances.
The Soviet claims were a considerable exaggeration; "more than 200 enemy aircraft" were claimed to have been destroyed on the first day.
It's a considerable exaggeration, as a matter of fact.
In applying for a post office the applicants claimed that the population was then about 100 but this was considered a considerable exaggeration.
It was a considerable exaggeration, but nonetheless an impressive one.
"Checking out to nine zeros, Captain," he announced proudly and with considerable exaggeration.
That was a considerable exaggeration, but Nona was so glad to have made contact that she didn't protest it.
It has to be said, however, that there is very considerable exaggeration with regard to the costs involved.
That number is a considerable exaggeration of this mission's cost.