Mr. Lindstrom, you seem to have considerable familiarity with the Lorini religious community.
Finding cribs was not at all straightforward; it required considerable familiarity with German military jargon and the communication habits of the operators.
Eventually, this exterior is broken down and the new team is invited to call him Leo - a sign of considerable familiarity in German or Austrian society.
"Women of the Nile" is an intimate collection of private stories from the past that possess considerable familiarity.
It would be an occasion to exercise her own considerable familiarity, not to mention her husband's, with art, literature and psychoanalysis.
Far too many of the menu programs, DOS shells and other accessory programs that are available require for their inauguration a considerable familiarity with operating systems.
Raven, Case, and I, because of our considerable familiarity with the site, will go on to the Barrowland to see what can be learned there.
Manhattan Transfer gained considerable public familiarity in its time so that the name became used in other contexts, starting with a 1925 novel by John Dos Passos.
The entire operation had been performed with the ease and surety which bespoke a considerable familiarity with the technique just employed.
The author assumes considerable familiarity with the subject and is primarily concerned with the evolution of the sculptor's style.