Despite persistent efforts, most learners of a second language will never become fully native-like in it, although with practice considerable fluency can be achieved.
During the long sojourn on the island, Christian had made a serious effort to learn the native speech, with such success that he was now able to converse in it with considerable fluency.
Fortunately for Mills, McCoy, who spoke the native tongue with considerable fluency, was able to smooth matters over.
By all accounts he was an expert pianist, and under Beethoven's guidance he became a composer of considerable fluency, if not consummate skill.
It should be noted first that Mr. Okumura is a player of considerable technical fluency and tonal polish.
He also learned to speak and read Japanese with, it seems, considerable fluency.
At the close of the third day Ajor and I were able to converse with considerable fluency, and it was a great relief to both of us, especially to Ajor.
I must say immodestly that I had already attained considerable fluency, proficiency, and accuracy in setting down my pictures.
Roberts says the prince speaks and writes the English language with considerable fluency, and his pronunciation is very correct - "Wow," his usual manner of expressing surprise.
The Mahler also gave Mr. Black an opportunity to exercise his considerable fluency as a conductor in music that probably does not beat a path to his door every day.