She was an adventurous young girl of considerable intellect who became a lifelong friend of actress Katharine Hepburn.
He had never been blessed with charisma and had turned his considerable intellect to creating a different kind of leader.
Edmonds possessed a considerable intellect and was fluent in many European and Asian languages.
This can work the other way around as Maul can diminish his size and mass to boost his already considerable intellect.
It left me seeing double and concentrating my considerable intellect on the age-old question: which way is up?
The results came through in their playing, which gained in freedom and expressivity and still used the considerable intellect of the musicians.
Golden was only in her thirties, very young to be at the top of her profession, an indication of considerable intellect and drive.
No one disputes his considerable intellect or thorough research, but he has been in one scrape after another over the years.
He was a man of considerable intellect, drive and commitment and we will miss him.
I needed to jolt her into focusing her considerable intellect onto what was going on.