He said a judge would have considerable leeway in imposing a sentence, which could also be a fine and probation.
Still, movie companies have considerable leeway in accounting for film costs.
Most people have considerable leeway as to how they spend their money over and above basic subsistence requirements.
A head teacher had considerable leeway regarding the precise age at which he/she accepted any child into primary school.
It is clear, though, that designers feel they can take considerable leeway with the shape and the fabrics.
The news was good, and gave Harry considerable leeway.
The courts have, in fact, given the political branches considerable leeway where wars are concerned.
A series of court decisions have also given banks considerable leeway in entering the insurance business.
But the judge also made it clear he would give the defense considerable leeway in questioning government witnesses.
President Bush in fact has considerable leeway in how tough he wants to be from this point on.