The old habit of seeing the country's established government or industrial institutions as "Oni" has left a considerable legacy.
Abdullah left a considerable legacy of works illustrating and amplifying his teaching.
To Sir Philip he left a very considerable legacy; for the remainder, his testament was eccentric and beyond the scope of this preface.
In addition, Mr. Brown left a considerable personal political legacy.
Every week, Sorenstam, who has won 61 Tour events, seems to add to her already considerable legacy.
Twice widowed, but with considerable legacies, she next married Samuel Mathews.
Three of the great names in 20th-century art are associated with Barcelona, and two left behind considerable legacies in the city.
After her husband's death in 1961, she has also been a keeper of his considerable legacy as a playwright and director.
A cultured woman, she left a considerable architectural legacy in her adopted countries.
Through his considerable legacy he remains our teacher and inspiration.