There was considerable civil litigation.
After considerable litigation, it was carved out of Lisbon to be an independent voting unit.
It would also spark considerable litigation on whether a particular clause resulted in a fully secret or half-secret trust.
This occurs often after considerable litigation on the topic by affected jurisdictions and by plaintiffs failing to ascertain the difference.
Had you been ruled out at that time, it would have required considerable litigation to reestablish you as an heir.
Tax advisers say such deductions are legitimate, but that the subject is one of great complexity and considerable litigation, so owners should get professional advice.
In addition, both sides have agreed to drop all the considerable litigation outstanding.
However, section 10 has also spawned considerable litigation, and has made an impact in numerous cases.
After considerable litigation, Reading brewery reopened in 1934.
After being the subject of considerable litigation, the enterprise has been run by one of Mr. Peskin's sons since 1985.