She has done well," he answered, "but your education in other respects needs considerable polish.
And the thing was, all of these were done not just with considerable polish but with great and genuine wit.
Over the years its galleries have regularly mounted shows of considerable scholarly polish but low popular appeal.
Though Mr. de la Renta is known for his evening clothes, his day clothes have considerable polish and charm.
Moreover, in both the new and the familiar works, she played with considerable polish, often producing a tone of uncommon beauty.
A fresh enthusiasm is only to be expected from these young performers, but when last heard, some years ago, they also brought considerable polish even to difficult works.
Yet the woman's manner sug- gested considerable polish and experience, and her voice was not unpleas- ant.
Mr. Hough is a pianist of considerable technical polish and panache, and he uses his talents to good advantage here.
At Barnstormers, Mr. Alexander gave a performance of considerable polish.
Brandon Jovanovich sang Fairfax's music with considerable polish and panache.