This again is a strategy to be pursued only by those with considerable financial sophistication.
In its place are beauty, sometimes prettiness, competence and considerable sophistication.
This has high-quality graphics and considerable sophistication, including duplicate and tutoring from experts.
They were laid in virtually every bonding pattern imaginable and used with considerable sophistication.
That form is a difficult one to be clever in, but she has managed it with considerable sophistication.
The author's use of dreams "suggests considerable sophistication of narrative technique" to Harries.
Especially in secondary schools, considerable sophistication is called for in order to sustain the interest of older and often religiously alienated pupils.
Associated with Homo habilis are a variety of tools of considerable sophistication.
The Maxwell Davies was a delight, its modest ambitions realized with considerable sophistication.
The trappings of primitivism are there, but it's a veneer for considerable sophistication.