There has also been considerable unease among certain sections of the public about the effectiveness and fairness of the justice system.
Although many of the Bharatiya Janata Party leaders were trying to put a good face on the results, in private there was considerable unease.
Judge Gasch's decision caused considerable unease among the freight railroads, said government officials.
Although his amendment was defeated, 58 to 41, the vote showed there was considerable unease about extending Federal standards to state courts.
American officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was considerable unease that such a cable had found its way into the open.
There is considerable unease in the town since the Chalukya king Pulikesi is on his way to attack Kanchi.
Barnard looked at his master with considerable unease.
Notoriety- I waited with considerable unease for that youngster to show up.
Poland is hearing conflicting messages from Moscow these days, and the dissonance between military and civilian officials has stirred considerable unease here.
We feel considerable unease faced with the environmental situation in that area, which is in immediate proximity to the European Union.