It wastes energy that could otherwise be used to perform work, produces heat, and can cause considerable wear.
Old Black has seen considerable wear and tear, with most of the black paint removed from the mahogany neck.
After March 1916, one truck passed every 14 seconds, submitting the road to considerable wear and tear.
Many of the skulls examined by Lazer have teeth which show considerable wear compared to teeth today.
Although these troughs occur naturally, they suggest signs of considerable wear and tear over time.
The model elephant was not removed until 1846 by which time it showed considerable wear.
Hexies, however, are white through and through and can sustain considerable wear.
I'm over six-two, and the accident has left signs of considerable wear and tear on my face.
Fine (F) - Paper is now slightly soft, considerable wear due to folds from use in circulation.
The engines ran rather unevenly, with considerable wear.