For example, suppose that there were a big new discovery of a fuel, like oil, whose production considerably boosted a country's real national income.
This victory considerably boosted the morale of the Mujahideen.
The development of the Chiba New Town project and the Hokusō Line considerably boosted the development of Inzai from the mid-1980s.
Magnets of greater strength allow a small ring to considerably boost its energy, giving a richer shower of X-rays.
But Brookhaven scientists are preparing superconducting ones, which, when installed in 1992 or 1993, will considerably boost the machine's output.
To Shirley Becke's great satisfaction, the introduction of the new uniform boosted considerably the recruitment of women.
Francis I also provided Madeleine with a very generous (and much needed) dowry, which considerably boosted the Scottish treasury.
So it can be expected that the euro will considerably boost the cross-border insurance business, which today could often be described as underdeveloped.
In response to the illicit opium trade, General Mohammad Daud reported that counter-narcotics activities had been "boosted considerably" since 2007.
However, new housing estates were added during the property boom of the 1970s and 1980s, considerably boosting the size and population of the village.