The hand-written C code equivalent would likely be at least twice as many lines, and considerably harder to read.
The richness, the power, the nuances of the ports are considerably harder to appreciate, and articulate, than those of the red wines.
It is considerably harder to show that row 3n-2 can be reached (see the paper by Eriksson and Lindstrom).
The leading possible substitutes, like Gnutella and Freenet, are considerably harder to use.
The species has also been considered as a rootstock for the considerably harder to grow A. pinnatum.
As a huge grizzly, the Will was considerably harder to take lightly.
Orchestras and opera houses will have to work considerably harder to bring this cohort in.
The 48-year-old man suggested it would be considerably harder to find employment if he had no place to bathe.
This is considerably harder to achieve than the "simple" Lacny, and there are relatively few examples.
These are considerably harder to design and tend to be very sensitive to driver characteristics.