Leo Archdekin was once considered a candidate by the local media, but ultimately didn't run.
Frye ran a maverick campaign against Murphy and Roberts, who were both considered establishment candidates by the media.
Callender has been considered by fans and the media to be the greatest player to have worn a Gateshead shirt.
An armed response by police to an incident will often be considered a newsworthy event by the media.
"Mio" has been considered by fans and the media as Paulina's signature song.
For a while, Empire Bakuba was considered by the media to have ceased to exist.
It is only considered class warfare by the media when the 99% begin to fight back.
The album is considered by the media as one of the greatest albums ever produced in Namibia.
And I would like to be considered as such by the media and others.
He was the Left Party's nominee for the 2009 presidential election, but was not considered a serious candidate by the German media.