If the socio-economic problem is considered objectively, it appears as follows: technological development has led to increasing centralization of the economic mechanism.
Objectively considered, in the light of such a goal, the lives of the two young people he had chosen for the experiment were of no value.
But it was still a value even when considered objectively, for it was a renewable resource whose natural situation prevented ruinous exploitation.
Looked at in this way, terrestrial zodiacs can have a role regardless of whether they are considered objectively 'real' or not.
But, objectively considered, what was the alternative?
Considered objectively, my wife was nowhere near as stunningly beautiful as her dead sister had been.
"Elian Gonzalez should, at a minimum, have his case for asylum fully heard and objectively considered," he said.
Both aspects should be considered objectively.
Issues relating to the diet and health of citizens are extremely sensitive and must be considered carefully and objectively.
They were all considered carefully and objectively.