But that consisted mostly of his own and his son Rembrandt's solid portraits, along with wax works and natural history artifacts.
Sal's family consists of James, her son, and his wife Yasmeen.
The ie is a patriarchal household and is considered to consist of grandparents, their son, his wife and their children.
Under the working title The Flagstones, the family originally consisted of Fred, Wilma, and their son, Fred Jr.
The "Ie" was considered to consist of grandparents, their son and his wife and their children, although even in 1920, 54% of Japanese households already were nuclear families.
The Drubetskoy family is of impoverished nobility, and consists of an elderly mother and her only son, Boris, whom she wishes to push up the career ladder.
The four consisted of a Vietnam War Veteran, former Binghamton City Mayor John Burns' son, and two sisters.
In one case a contract was agreed and several sessions were held with a family consisting of grandmother, her son and his wife and their three teenage children.
Our company consisted of my husband, my two Indian brothers, my little son and myself.
The household consisted of her brother and herself, a cook, a coachman, a nurse, and her brother's little son Albert.