This development, consisting of at least 25 cabins, has since been removed, changing the building's relationship to its surroundings.
It is entirely separated from Main Camp and consists of two cabins, one male, one female.
The resort consists of 23 cabins, the cabins at Burntside Lodge vary in design, size and location.
Here's the intelligent part: it consists of 20 individual air-conditioned cabins, built from rain forest timbers, and it is not going to get any bigger.
The funicular consisted of two cabins weighing 13 tons when empty, circulating on parallel cogged tracks.
Each village consisted of four to eight cabins located in a group.
Saints John now consists of three cabins near timberline, at 10,764 feet.
The base consists of 3 cabins and a central pavilion.
The "hill" consisted of six cabins which housed the junior staff and the "Hill Patrol".
Aside from the house itself, surrounding facilities consist of eight cabins, a shower house, a boat launch, a smoke shack and a workshop.