The pressing consisted of 400 copies on white vinyl, and 100 on black.
The first edition, which consisted of two thousand copies, was condemned by both author and illustrator, for the pictures did not come out well.
"This edition consists of 110 copies of which 100 are for sale, and the type has been distributed."
The first print run consisted of 10,000 copies, but Evans quickly added more as demand for the volume grew.
The first edition consisted of 5000 copies, which sold for 6 shillings each.
The original press run consisted of 400 copies printed on a hand press.
The edition, including both book and map, consisted of 1,500 copies and was priced at $1.50.
The initial run is a limited edition hardback, consisting of 2,500 copies.
Its first edition consisted of 5090 copies, selling at $2.00 per copy.
The first pressing consisted of 500 copies pressed on solid orange vinyl.