In both cases, they consisted of fifteen minutes of an announcer reading news into a camera.
It consisted of about 46 minutes of music over 25 tracks.
The game consisted of 55 minutes of playing time - a 30-minute first half and a 25-minute second half.
It is consist of 50 questions, 25 minutes, and worth 400 points.
It is consist of 40 questions, 45 minutes, and worth 400 points.
Each group participated in an exercise session consisting of 30 minutes of walking 3 times a week for 16 weeks.
His input consisted of one match and eight minutes as the team went on to suffer relegation.
In this tournament matches consisted of two 30 minutes halves each.
Each event consists of 30 minutes practice/qualifying, followed by a 45 minute race both of which will take place on one day.
The new course, to be offered in September, will consist of seven sessions of one hour and 20 minutes each.