It consisted of many tribes, and each tribe had its own banner which it carried high above its ranks.
They were not a unified people at the start of the 3rd century but consisted of many tribes which were loosely connected with one another.
None of these groups were politically united but rather consisted of many different independent tribes and bands.
The game will consist of just three different tribes, and is primarily a first-person shooter with third-person view being an option in some vehicles.
Plains aborigines consist of eight individual tribes, rather than being a single tribe.
Uthgar's followers consist of many human tribes collectively termed as the Uthgardt barbarians.
This society consists of many tribes and clans which were rarely politically united.
The Milan tribe consists of seven main tribes and of 65 tribals.
This focus group consisted of 3 tribes and 12 state representatives.
The Kaganate backbone consisted of ten tribes, five in each wing.