Rather than specializing in a single genre, the consistent thread throughout these releases is a strong regional flavor and a sense of place.
How do you find a reasonable and consistent thread of explanation through this?
The consistent threads in his works are imagination, recyclable materials and contact cement.
I agree with you, that there is a consistent thread that runs through your writings.
However, this does not prevent the following of a consistent thread.
The one consistent thread running through most of Obama's decisions has been that America must act humbly in the world.
The consistent thread was his presentation of himself as a student, then teacher and finally philosopher of the subject.
President Bush The consistent thread of his three years in office is a commitment to do very little.
I have identified some consistent threads to the 'debate' about the old:
But if trepidation is a consistent thread in their work, that's easy to forget as you approach the new museum.