It fell consistently from the late 1920's into the 1970's.
And the number of viewers also fell consistently from the first half hour to the second.
The Senate's figures have consistently fallen between the other two.
Despite some progress, the states have consistently fallen far short of that goal.
The overall unemployment rate has consistently fallen since 2005 and reached a 15-year low in June 2008 with 7.5%.
"But if you're consistently falling below market averages, that is cause for concern."
Either way, adultery seems to have consistently fallen over the decades.
He won and lost $150,000 in a year, consistently falling for short card cons.
Opera has been consistently falling over the last few months, and it dropped again in October, down 0.11 points to 1.56 percent.
But dozens consistently fell for the flies I tossed them.