These ads consistently focus on the face of Gantt or that of his black campaign manager, Mel Watt.
Dr. Thiessen says earlier studies have shown that infants consistently focus longer on the light when they hear a word they know.
Turan consistently focuses her work on overcoming Western stereotypes of the Muslim world.
A good company helps people manage themselves by consistently focusing on performance and results.
With some individual lenses not quite calibrated it may consistently front or back focus, and may consistently focus in the wrong spot.
Commodore USA consistently focused on bundling an alternate operating system, preferring Linux.
"Then use the marketing funds in ways that add value to the products you want to sell rather than consistently focusing on price as the only way."
"The company has been consistently focusing its resources on assets that it wants to develop and build in the long term."
I would like to call on Member States to consistently focus on training foreign language teachers and at the same time to ensure that they receive adequate financial rewards.
European policy must focus consistently on the interests of the people of Europe.