Aneuploidy is consistently observed in virtually all cancers.
In isolated systems it is consistently observed that as time goes on internal rearrangements diminish and stable conditions are approached.
Using this method, researchers found that a series of potential changes were consistently observed across repeated trials.
Coagulating effects have been seen during experiments on laboratory animals, but this has not been observed consistently.
The specific nature of these principles varied depending on the organization"s mission, size, culture, and other factors, but each underlying key principle was consistently observed.
This effect has no genetic influence and it is consistently observed in culturally different populations.
This nomenclature distinction is blurry and not consistently observed.
It is consistently observed that subjects in the latter condition find the task to be more difficult.
Similar results are consistently observed regardless of the five starting seeds used in the MD simulations.
According to Tversky and Koehler (1994) this kind of result is observed consistently.