Programs in music and commerce/business have been offered consistently since the institution was launched - almost 100 years.
They are consistently offered substantial scholarships for music and academics.
AT one time, student air fares consistently offered the best deals to young travelers; these days the situation is not so simple.
On the other hand, the magazine also felt that the game's length left its story unable to "offer consistently strong dialogue and sub-plots".
Price patterns are similar to those in other winter-sun destinations, with November consistently offering the best value.
Still, the tournament has drawn well, with attendance increasing each year, and has consistently offered a strong field of players.
Knapp and his family have consistently offered to sign waivers of liability, but the university has not accepted.
By using these vendors, England can consistently offer upholstery in over 400 fabric choices in less than 21 days.
I am very grateful for the continued support which has been consistently offered by this House to the Commission on this proposal.
Of these, the Motel 6 (seven locations around town) offers the consistently lowest prices for comfortable but no-frills lodging.