Prior to the failure the Daytona had been consistently outpacing the Suzuki on the course, averaging 0.7 seconds a lap faster (despite lower engine capacity and horsepower).
If one plant shut or left, two more seemed to blossom amid the palms, and the state's economy consistently outpaced the nation's.
"It consistently outpaces all other dishes."
The second is shown in an experiment conducted by beginning typists, in which thumb-shift users consistently outpace those of JIS kana and romaji-kana.
Whole earth impacts are beginning to be considered because growth in goods and services is consistently outpacing gains in efficiency.
But gradually, during 1978 and 1979, the real exchange rate appreciated because inflation consistently outpaced the rate of depreciation.
He consistently outpaces many younger, healthier riders.
He consistently outpaced long-time team-mate Sébastien Bourdais and ended the season with 10 wins from 22 races, including 12 pole positions, finishing the championship as runner-up behind David Saelens.
The increases come after a decade of steadily rising tuitions that consistently outpaced the consumer price index, currently by 8.4 percent for public institutions and by 4.7 percent for private colleges and universities.
The graduation rates of these projects consistently outpace those of the community colleges with which they partner, helping over 11,000 low wage employees become higher paid knowledge workers equipped with the needed skills in high demand fields.