The courts have consistently ruled that it is acceptable to show the Ten Commandments if they are part of a larger historical display.
Judge Owen has also consistently ruled against workers, accident victims and victims of discrimination.
The courts have consistently ruled in favor of the Schmidts' right to raise their daughter.
And so the courts have consistently ruled that companies have the right to do any kind of monitoring they want.
The state's courts have consistently ruled in favor of landlords on the issue of warehousing, citing their rights as property owners.
Another is that the courts have consistently ruled that the legislature has no authority to tell them what to do.
Our legal system has consistently ruled that even people who do "crazy" things are competent to stand trial.
"If you know that the courts have consistently ruled one way, and you don't want it in your order, then something's wrong," Mr. Berger said.
President Ramos is not a member of the traditional elite that has consistently ruled the Philippines.
"And the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that violence is protected," he said.