Throughout much of the last decade, polls consistently suggest that 70% to 80% of all Taiwanese support maintaining the status quo; although the definition of the status quo is an area of intense debate.
It consistently suggested a preparation for death like Cornelius's, but, unlike Erasmus's De praeparatione, descended to practical details and suggestions to help the minister help the dying person.
Polls by outside groups consistently suggested that the Sandinistas would sweep to victory, and just last week the Government mounted a rally of at least 300,000 people, dwarfing similar opposition demonstrations.
Opinion polls consistently suggest that in elections to be held on Jan. 28, Shinui could more than double - almost triple, some analysts have predicted - its present six seats in Parliament.
Clinton, who the opinion polls consistently suggested enjoyed a significant lead, continued his relentless attack on the economic record of the Bush-Reagan years and repeated the underlying message of his campaign that it was time for change.
Ms. Hoffman of Vanderbilt said that many informal surveys consistently suggest that fewer than 30 percent of commercial sites display privacy policies, despite the F.T.C.'s growing involvement in the problem.
Lloyd may have been the great American go-getter, but as his films quietly but consistently suggest, it is a position that comes with a large share of anxiety.
However, surveys consistently suggest that there is considerable support for re-opening the case.
He suggests consistently that the distance or emptiness makes being exist and that there is no clear boundary anywhere.
Women's fashion since 1880, by contrast, consistently suggests "quite different ideas, none of them modern at all."