However, vaginal intercourse and anal intercourse are consistently viewed as sexual intercourse by emerging adults.
The social experience of being consistently viewed as distinct is what informs a racial identity, not a shared culture.
In essence, 'disability' was consistently viewed, on the one hand, as a condition of the individual.
Mr. Mieno has consistently viewed inflation as a bigger threat to the country's health than a slowdown in growth.
In polls, Republicans are consistently viewed as having higher ethical standards than Democrats.
"Rather than being viewed as a sign ofthe times, feminism is consistently viewed with suspicion," they said, adding that candidates for bishop "are screened to insure their unqualified opposition to the ordination of women."
Europe, East Asia, Latin American, and the Middle East were consistently viewed as being more important to the superpowers' interests.
Data are interoperable and can be consistently viewed and applied by researchers, decision-makers, and resource managers.
Among Harrison's biographers, the 1973 album is consistently viewed with great enthusiasm.
Most religions have consistently viewed women as bound by their bodily functions to the earth itself.