He also heads a firm whose economists have warned consistently about the dangers of the current budget deficits.
Elliott has consistently warned presenters and trainers about the dangers of the misuse of her technique and materials.
The officials have consistently warned that they will not raise taxes to solve the problem and that bondholders may have to delay getting paid back or take less than what they are owed.
In fact, as our readers know, the opposite is true: Money has consistently warned of a potentially severe stock market correction since the spring.
In debates with other Chinese thinkers over the years, Lin has consistently warned against hurrying to embrace Western political openness.
But it has consistently warned that it cannot make a profit without a critical mass of schools to provide economies of scale.
The chief economics commentator at the Financial Times has consistently warned of the dangers of the single currency.
Sensitive Issue Since 1923 The Bundesbank has consistently warned that a generous conversion rate would risk fueling inflation because it would require putting many billions of extra marks in circulation.
Those of us who have visited the area regularly over the years have consistently warned against the Israeli actions, which were driving the population to despair.
We have consistently warned in advance of the disasters that have occurred in these closing decades of the twentieth century.