Lawrence chose a seat directly behind the pilot, where he could see the console displays.
The mobile authenticates itself to the vehicle, and takes over the console display.
He glanced again at the console display, then forced his attention back to the road.
But the console displays did not change, as if the control surfaces had not detected his input.
Her eyes did not leave her console display.
He went through to the control room and the console display verified that the time and date were as he had intended.
This might include a console display, writing to disk, appending to a database, or email.
The apartment was in darkness, only the faint glow of the console display showing from the room at the far end of the hallway.
"Very good," said Adele without looking up from the console display.
He leaned closer to the full-color video feed from the satellite, monitoring the target on his main console display.