The company said consolidated sales also declined during the period, falling more than 11 percent to 335 billion yen.
Kobe Steel forecast consolidated sales for the latest year at 1,250 billion yen, down six percent.
This segment contributed 23% of the consolidated sales in FY2012.
In the period ending March 2006, the company reported consolidated sales of 2,007,134,000,000 Japanese yen.
The company reported a consolidated loss of $61.5 million for 1990, on consolidated sales of $1.3 billion.
ThyssenKrupp generates 33% of its consolidated sales on its home market.
By 1975 consolidated sales surpassed $100 million as compounded annual earnings growth reached 20 percent.
In the fiscal year that ended last March, it reported consolidated sales of 1.18 trillion yen, equivalent to $10.6 billion at today's exchange rate.
The move would allow Viatech to report consolidated annual sales of more than $500 million.
For the three months ended March 31, recorded consolidated sales of $48.7 million, compared with $24.9 million a year earlier.