Because buying another company is usually safer, Wall Street so far has applauded consolidation efforts.
The company said the closings, part of its consolidation effort, were expected to save between $8 million and $9 million a year.
We've got the strength and the size now to be a dominant player in this consolidation effort.
In 2008 the recession hit forcing more consolidation efforts, yet Baldacci never increased state income taxes.
We are not alone - across Europe countries are now being decisive in their consolidation efforts.
This ended when a consolidation effort with nearby Stronghurst, Illinois took place in 1971.
The late 1960s brought a consolidation effort between the high schools of Stronghurst and Media.
The Cherryville citizens overwhelmingly voted against the consolidation effort with 900 votes.
The following junior high schools were closed in a consolidation effort in 1986:
We must be critical of the fact that consolidation efforts have come to a standstill in numerous countries.