But the consortium is seeking to buy time, rather than receive it free from the stations, so it can choose when its commercial will be seen.
The consortium seeks to solve structures of proteins that are of great interest to the TB biology community.
The consortium sought to buck that trend, he said, providing shows "of real solidity just from our own collections."
In addition, a loose consortium of residents is seeking to preserve the park as open space.
The consortium sought to build an electric railway in order to accelerate economic development and increase the demand for its services.
In Canada, for instance, a consortium is seeking investors to build an electric airplane that would be powered by microwaves beamed from the ground.
Such are the sobering questions, rarely highbrow enough to find their way into legal pedagogy, that the consortium seeks to help their graduates tackle.
The consortium sought to have Yukos declared bankrupt.
The consortium seeks to establish a layer of software and hardware standards that would effectively rest atop the Internet.
The consortium sought to foster closer collaboration and greater sharing of resources among the academic sectors of the four schools.