He was advanced five numbers in grade on 10 August 1898 for eminent and conspicuous service in battle.
His whole career was marked by conspicuous and efficient service.
The 1st Tank Battalion, during this campaign rendered conspicuous service in defeating the enemy.
The United States Department of the Navy cited her for "conspicuous service" during the war.
It may also be awarded for conspicuous service to the State of New York.
In the celebrated campaign of 1796, on the Rhine and Danube, he did conspicuous service as a corps commander.
The Order is currently awarded for conspicuous service to the Catholic Church, without regard to religious affiliation.
Quite beyond the medical department he rendered conspicuous service to every branch and department of the army.
Other forms of conspicuous service have also been recognized with the medal.
Gubay was honoured with this Papal knighthood for his conspicuous service to the Church and society.