The braid was sometimes left off by officers since it made them conspicuous targets.
Now, with the drive flame pointing away from the pursuing lighthugger, they would make a far less conspicuous target.
It was a conspicuous target for those who wished to position themselves in opposition to modern ideas.
And then, as before, we'll be a conspicuous target, with more points of weakness than we can foresee or provide against.
Tropical trees often have light-coloured bark and frequently are covered with white lichens, thus they provide the most conspicuous targets.
One would think this behavior would make Mr. Miyaji a conspicuous target.
A man-sized shape on the ground is a much less conspicuous target than a flying chariot.
Television commentators noted that Japanese increasingly seem like natural targets - rich, conspicuous and unaccustomed to looking over their shoulders.
In many environments, the need to advertise in this way is limited by the danger of becoming a conspicuous target for a predator.
Jadus was proved right-she was a less conspicuous target.