Darrow intended to prove the existence of a conspiracy led by Paine, but the judge ruled all the relevant evidence inadmissible.
Decades ago, the far right feared that there was an international Jewish conspiracy led by the Rothschilds and people like that.
In 1634, however, a new conspiracy in Calabria, led by one of his followers, threatened fresh troubles.
He is remembered today primarily for his participation in, and betrayal of, the conspiracy led by the six martyred ministers.
He urged the authorities to repress what he argued was a communist conspiracy, led by his former employers.
There had been a conspiracy led by that mincing Sandreni.
He was probably murdered by an assassin in a conspiracy led by one of his secondary wives and her minor son.
In the film, three gunmen shoot President Kennedy in a conspiracy led by right-wing elements and military/industrial interests.
Meanwhile, a conspiracy led by Emilio Mola was taking shape.
He also breaks up a conspiracy led by Shuisky, who is to be executed.