Detlev had never before heard such a speech, so rational, so care fully organized, and with such a constant appeal to the crowd' emotions.
Although he made constant appeals for assistance in his correspondence to Greece, inviting others to join the mission, he received no response.
For all the constant appeal to tradition, the Vienna Philharmonic is a surprisingly young orchestra these days.
Then, with the candidates' appeal more or less constant, we could measure the money's impact.
Friends stated Shakespeare had grown frustrated with the apparently constant appeals for money from both hangers-on and strangers.
No-Janeway had now determined that Lekket's constant appeals and apologies were nothing more than lies.
This creates charitable understanding and opens up the way to conversion through 'a constant appeal to the head and the heart.'
Hildebert also complained to Honorius about the constant appeals to Rome whenever he made a ruling.
Her manner was curiously expressive of a wish for protection and encouragement, a kind of constant appeal which invited sympathy.
Furthermore, we must not forget this Parliament's constant appeals in favour of protection and support for the victims of terrorism.