It was a period of near constant combat.
From 17 April to 20 April they were in constant combat all along the front and pushed back into the city.
Through constant low-level combat, Hezbollah became an ever more effective and better trained force.
Three months is a long time for a human to spend in constant combat.
From the 17 to the 20 April the division was involved in constant combat all along its front, and was pushed back into the city itself.
Eventually, Tinker fell victim to combat stress reaction due to the constant combat.
Not just the survivors; the crew-they've been in constant combat for more than a year!
From this date until the end of the war, Müncheberg was in constant combat.
From that date until February 2, 1943, the division was involved in almost constant combat with numerically superior German forces.
Nor is anything said about how a taste for constant combat can work against a leader.