The meeting thought it best that the Hewletts leave the islands: "For your presence here would be a constant humiliation to the church.
His father's disappointment takes the form of verbal and physical abuse and constant humiliation.
Becky was allowed to stay at the school but, as an orphan, faced constant humiliations.
Problem for the Homeless One of them, Ramon Gonzalez, 38 years old, described the constant humiliation.
According to the indictment, the detainees were, among other things, subjected to physical violence, constant humiliation, degradation, inhumane conditions, and fear of death.
For me it means becoming little more than a slave, accepting constant humiliation and even more constant rape.
Alessandro slowly loses his mind, due to the constant humiliation.
The building of a wall rams home the deep sense of constant humiliation felt in Palestine.
This constant humiliation of the opposition leaders is of course helping to create an incredibly tense and dangerous situation in Ethiopia.
Eventually, tired of the abuse from Rick, Angus applies for a magnet school where he hopes to be free of the constant humiliation.