In a typical sensitivity analysis the analyst will vary one key factor while holding all other inputs constant, ceteris paribus.
We're a society that seems to require constant, in most cases, electronic, input.
A constant current input will therefore produce a linearly increasing output.
Without a constant input of energy in some form, an atom would run down quickly.
One way in which caves retain low temperatures is through a constant input of cold air from outside the cave circulating in.
A person in an elevator, with essentially constant visual input, will feel she is descending as the elevator starts to descend.
But it's not the same as the constant chaotic input from you.
But she was like a little girl when it came to patience and long-term thinking and her need for constant sensory input.
To be at their best, they needed steady support and constant input of encouragement and good news.
The basic equation for the output of the integrator (assuming a constant input) is: