In America today, we are constantly bemoaning the passing of a simpler, slower-paced life.
What an awkward stance for Republicans who are constantly bemoaning the lack of "accountability" by the Governor and state agencies.
Instead of constantly bemoaning the loss of the old industries, we must explore the adventurous new technologies: electronics, biotechnology, alternative energy sources, mining of the seabeds, robotics, and more.
It never occurred to them to actually do anything about their fate other than constantly bemoan it.
Apart that is, from an envisaged future with everyone on benefits, miserable and constantly bemoaning (rightly) London government, but still voting Labour?
Then came the description of the protagonist's actress wife, called Claire, whose chief characteristics are being boring, middle-aged and constantly bemoaning the youth of his mistresses.
He constantly bemoans his son's ineptness.
Bill constantly bemoans his separation from Sally.
He constantly bemoaned the loss of heat up the cooling towers of the UK power stations and actively promoted district heating schemes.
Much to Ashton's consternation, they become fused to his body; though he constantly bemoans their presence, he refuses to separate them from himself when given the option.