To avoid missing his payments to DeMeo, he was constantly borrowing from other loansharks.
Banks constantly borrow big chunks of short-term money that they then relend to the public, at higher rates.
He was constantly borrowing from friends and proudly accepting the charity of the Wedgwoods.
He's usually in financial problems and is constantly borrowing money from other tenants in Cape West.
"You are mortgaging the future when you borrow constantly and fail to pay back the loan," he said.
She shares a room with Clawdeen and is constantly borrowing Clawdeen's clothes without asking.
Throughout the chapter, teachers are constantly borrowing stuff and asking for help from Alison.
And if we can get the demand down so that government is constantly borrowing, then we're going to get interest rates down.
Marjorie was the "black sheep" of the family, as she constantly borrowed money from her mother and married numerous times.
Most large corporations and banks face this risk to some degree, as they may constantly borrow and repay loans.