She has a warm personality, and constantly carries hot sauce in her purse.
He is also very strong as a result of constantly carrying an overweight cat wherever he goes.
At once Lars reached into his coat, whipped out the document he carried constantly with him.
"Just look for the players who are constantly carrying water bottles, and they are the ones using this stuff," the manager said.
He left a huge impression onme, and I carry that impression constantly.
She constantly carries a Buddha statue with her and is very superstitious.
He has a passion for filming, and constantly carries a digital video recorder around with him.
Rumors went even further; people said he constantly carried a straight razor, and was not afraid to use it.
Ferry, a contender for the 2002 Games, constantly carried around a squeeze jar of honey to gain weight, friends said.
What must it be like to constantly carry a reminder of that sort!