Raymond was very fond of his old aunt and was constantly devising treats for her, and sending her books that he thought might interest her.
He is constantly devising new formulas and developing new ways to defeat the Decepticons.
He's constantly devising new formulas and gadgets to use against the Decepticons.
Stile had been constantly devising and rehearsing spells and strategies to deal with such an attack, and felt reasonably confident he could handle the situation.
Experience had shown them that a blackmailed party would come across for the first time; but from then out, would constantly devise ways to prevent a second attempt.
The focus is on a group of close friends who are constantly devising new schemes to get rich or "just get by."
Life is constantly devising new tricks.
I.M.S. in-house computer software specialists are constantly devising new ways to merchandise the facts as products to the big drug companies and to 100 smaller ones around the world.
Like competitors in a yacht race, balloon engineers and designers constantly devise small improvements to give them an edge.
Such folk were almost immune to ordinary bad dreams, because they were constantly devising bad stories themselves and were jaded.