Thribolt batteries were constantly manned by members of the City Militia, and ships coming in from space were regarded with intense suspicion.
Stewarding was done at the mass meeting in the Phoenix Park, and first aid posts were constantly manned by 400 trained Scouts.
This TCP was constantly manned by a platoon of Marines and a platoon from the Iraqi National Guard and saw almost daily firefights for the rest of the summer.
At this level, all gun positions were constantly manned by shifts of gunners during daylight hours, the video-screens linked to the external surveillance cameras were individually monitored, and a three-plane standing air-patrol was put up to circle around the train as it moved forward.
One of the felony indictments was brought under the 1972 Ports and Waterways Safety Act, which the Justice Department said "requires the owner, master or other persons in charge of a vessel to ensure that the wheelhouse is constantly manned by competent persons."
It is constantly manned by staff and has full CCTV.
Security consists of a fence, moat and guard towers, which are constantly manned by the junior librarians.
These are constantly manned by marInes.
Unlike its sister, whose dwelling was intended for emergency use only, this light was constantly manned by Coast Guard personnel, who served two-week rotating tours.
Weapons and spy devices, Phoenicia said, were constantly manned by Hanson Guards.